Apart from regular appearances as a solo unaccompanied singer at folk clubs, festivals and sessions I was the leader of Bunkas, who toured and recorded a folk musical I wrote about the Suffolk smuggling story Margaret Catchpole. It was broadcast on radio both in the UK and Australia. I played bodhran and bones in many sessions as well as singing regularly at the Ipswich Folk Club, Butley Oyster and the Real Music Club for which I was the organiser. I also worked with others on producing the Felixstowe Folk Festival, Ipswich Folk Day and events at Ickworth House and Snape Maltings. I was a member of some barn dance bands: The Wolsey Folk Band and the Horkey Band as well as song groups Rope, Bunkas, Innocent Bystanders & WYSIWYG with whom I recorded two albums.
I used to act as Green Man for East Suffolk Morris on Mayday Morning each year at Felixstowe, when they danced up the sun at Felixstowe. I handed this duty over to others some years ago. As a Pagan I have a strong interest in Green Man and Woodwose figures, and wrote a book about the latter. (See books page.) I also formed the Magic Mummers side in Chelmsford. They are shown below (centre) plus Bunkas (right) WYSIWYG (below left) & Wren Bearer for Old Glorys' Cutty Wren ceremony. (below right.)
I have been interested in singing folk songs since my early teens. That has partly led me into an interest in folk traditions, particularly those of my native East Anglia, sometimes linking in with my Pagan beliefs.
I presented and produced folk shows for Radio Orwell / Saxon Radio, VIC Radio and BBC Radio Suffolk for about 20 years in total. It was a priviledge and a joy to have that involvement in the local folk scene.
I helped resurrect the Cutty Wren custom with Old Glory Molly Dancers & Musicians, and appeared with them as Wren Bearer at Middleton, Suffolk. Black Shuck & the Wild Hunt are abiding interests as well, and I introduced the former as a character into the Magic Mummers play I created, as well as making a film about the Wild Hunt. (See Entertainment)