Paganism (recognised by the Home Office as a genuine religion within prisons & hospitals) is a general Latin derived term (like Germanic derived Heathenism) meaning those who carry on the old rural spiritual paths that were around before the spread of the modern world religions. It has grown considerably since the 1970s (without active prosletysation) and includes some Witches, Druids, Shamen & Heathens amongst others. The UK Census has confirmed this. See
Although great steps have been taken to combat prejudice and misinformation, persecution does still take place. Most paths acknowledge many gods & goddesses, rather than a single monotheistic deity, and revere nature. For a guide to the many Pagan paths available in the UK see my work Pagan Paths in the Books section.
Over the years I have continued to collect details of people historically persecuted for witchcraft in my native East Anglia. To see this archive see below. You may quote or use it as long as you quote the source.
To the right is a picture of a ritual group I assembled for a Pagan Federation Conference in Croydon. For such a large gathering I used computerised back projection, fog effects, masks, dance, stage lighting and musical soundtracks as well as explosions. As a Heathen I'm not very subtle! My private rituals are in contrast very simple.
My personal exploration of Paganism started in my teens, but never fully developed until the late 1980s. Since then I have been a researcher, author, lecturer and leader on the Pagan scene. Although my early reading and contacts were associated with witchcraft I was drawn towards what was known then as Odinism, later termed Northern Tradition, Asatru or Heathenism.
I was first a Media Officer then President of the international umbrella group The Pagan Federation, and continue to be High Gothi (priest) of Odinshof.
Locally I started up pub moots in Ipswich & Chelmsford, as well as the Leaping Hare Conference, the Magic Mummers and the Gippeswic magazine.

The first record of a witch being executed in England is the drowning of an un-named woman of Ailsworth, near Petrerborough in 948 AD for using a poppet to magically attack a man called Aelfsige. Another Anglo-Saxon witch was referred to in Ramsey in the 12th century Chronicle of the Abbey of Ramsay. Persecution of witches has continued up to modern times, although one of the last persons to be found guilty under the Witchcraft Act of 1735 was Helen Duncan, a successful spiritualist medium in World War 2 who gave out information that was being suppressed by the War Office. The final prosecution was of Jane Yorke in 1944, and the Act was repealed and replaced by the Fraudulent Mediums Act of 1951. Although the UK government recognises Paganism as a valid religion, witches continue to be persecuted and sometimes killed in other countries around the world, especialy in parts of Africa.
I live in East Anglia, the base of the notorious 17th century 'Witchfinder General', Matthew Hopkins. He was the son of the vicar of Gt. Wenham, Suffolk, but did not follow his father and brothers into the ministry. His 14 month reign of terror, during the English Civil War around 1644-6 resulted in the execution of approximately 300 people, and the ruining of many others. About one in ten was male, and many victims were poor widows living on Parish Relief. Some sources claim that he was a lawyer, which is incorrect: he was never called to the Bar, but did unsuccessfully practice some shipping law for an Ipswich merchant before being sent back (unqualified) to his home in Mistley, near Manningtree, Essex. There he prosecuted 3 witches, and went on to offer his services to councils throughout East Anglia, until halted by a denouncation by John Gaule the Vicar of Gt. Staughton, Huntingdonshire. He was assisted by Edward Stearn and various females who conducted the examinations and pricking 'tests.' They earned a great deal of money. His title was not official - he merely adopted it for himself, but he did operate with the approval (and safe conduct documents) of the Parliamentarians. It is alleged that he met with high up commanders at least three times: possibly for them to use his network of spies and informers or to get rid of suspected Royalist sympathisers. Hopkins died 12/8/1647 and was buried at St. Mary's Church, Mistley, which is now demolished.
N.B. Convicted witches were usually hanged in England, but burnt in Scotland and the Continent. However, some English witches were burnt for crimes other than for witchcraft. e.g. Widow Lackland in Ipswich was accused of killing her husband by witchcraft. Since the husband was seen as the representative of the King in her household, this was classed as Petty Treason. (Despite the fact that the Puritans of Ipswich who burnt her, supported the execution of the King!)
For a good overview of Witchcraft and Magic specifically in East Anglia, I can recommend an article written by the late Michael Clarke. He was an old, knowledgable friend.
There are a few books written by friends that also deal specifically with folk magic and witchcraft in East Anglia that I can recommend:
Nigel Pennick: Witchcraft and Secret Societies of Rural England: The Magic of Toadmen, Plough Witches, Mummers, and Bonesmen, Secrets of East Anglian Magic, Wyrd Times: Memoirs of a Pagan Renaissance Man & many others.
Nigel Pearson: The Devil's Plantation: East Anglian Lore, Witchcraft & Folk-Magic, Treading the Mill: Workings in Traditional Witchcraft, Wortcunning: A Folk Medicine Herbal & A Folk Magic Herbal, Walking the Tides: Seasonal Magical Rhythms and Lore & many others
Val Thomas: Of Chalk & Flint: a way of Norfolk Magic, Bounded in ia Nutshell: Lockdown, Magic and Infinite Space, & others.
John Powers: Pagans and Witches of Essex. Book is out of print but Kindle still available via Amazon.
Finally, if you are interested in the traditional stories of East Anglia, all the ones I know are incorporated into the fictional Aelphame Trilogy of books that I wrote. My East Anglian ghost stories are found in Haunted Suffolk and Haunted Ipswich. (See my Books page for details of my books.)
A Database of people historically accused of Witchcraft in East Anglia, in tribute to the many people who were persecuted in East Anglia (many of whom were unpopular rather than witches) It should be appreciated that even if charges were not proved, loss of job, home and social status would possibly follow.
I have given a code beside the table entries for my source(s) of information. Inevitably some of these duplicate the same information given in other books.
MH indicates the book Matthew Hopkins: Witchfinder General. (Deacon Richard)It does not mean that every entry is related to that individual, just that they were around his period in history. I have given these a 1645 date unless I have information to the contrary. In reality, they could fall a year either side of that.
FL indicates 'Folk Lore of Suffolk' (Llanerch)
W.I.M.E. indicates 'Witchcraft in Modern Europe' (Ed. Barry/Hester/Roberts - Cambridge Univ. Press)
B. indicates 'Broomsticks over East Anglia' (Tom Gardner - pub. Ian Henry)
RD indicates the 'Readers Digest Folklore Myths and Legends of Britain
SW indicates 'Sleepers & Watchers (Hilda Grieve)
If you have names, places, details to add or correct, please e mail me. I want this to be a reliable resource for all to share freely, in memory of all those who have suffered. The table that follows is an MS Access file for easy manipulation. Please do me the courtesy of quoting this web page address if you wish to quote details from the table.
For details of Lowestoft Witches see
Memorials have been erected in Admirals Park, Chelmsford and Colchester Castle Park, and the Market Square (under the Ox) in Manningtree, Essex.
rst Name
Last Name
Greygoose |
Stanningfield, Suffolk |
1795 |
FL |
Anne |
Alderman |
Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Ann |
Ansom |
Brandeston, Suffolk |
1645 |
B |
Anne |
Arnoll |
Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Cecilia |
Atkins |
Gt. Yarmouth, Norfolk |
1582 |
B. |
Nathaniel |
Bacon |
Chattisham, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Mary |
Bacon |
Chattisham, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Susan |
Baker |
Upminster, Essex |
B. |
Mary |
Bannister |
Heaverland, Norfolk |
1668 |
B. |
Anne |
Barker |
Glemham, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Old Nan |
Barrett |
Eye, Suffolk |
c. 1890 |
FL |
Margaret |
Bayle |
Suffolk |
W.I.M.E. |
Margaret |
Bayts |
Framlingham, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Joan |
Beales |
Wickham, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Mary |
Becket |
Framlingham, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Meribell |
Bedford |
Rattlesden, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Margaret |
Benet |
Suffolk |
? |
W.I.M.E. |
Elisabeth |
Benet |
St. Osyth, Essex |
1582 |
RD |
Margaret |
Bennett |
Bacton, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Bridget |
Bigsby |
Hintlesham, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
? |
Binkes |
Haverhill, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Ellen |
Bishop |
Glemham, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Maria |
Blackburne |
Gt. Yarmouth, Norfolk |
1645 |
B. |
Elisabeth |
Blade |
Whissonsett, Norfolk |
1679 |
B. |
Margery |
Blake (1) |
Glemham. Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Margery |
Blake (2) |
Glemham, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Miles or Myles |
Bloomfield |
Chelmsford Essex |
B.& SW |
yce |
Bonds /Boones |
St. Osyth, Essex |
1645 |
MH |
Anne |
Boreham |
Sudbury, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Sarah |
Borton |
Ramsey, Essex |
1645 |
MH |
Elisabeth |
Bradwell |
Gt. Yarmouth, Norfolk |
1645 |
B. |
Mary |
Brame |
Wickham, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Bet |
Bray |
Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Helen |
Bretton |
Kirby, Essex |
1645 |
MH |
Joan |
Briggs |
Ely, Cambs |
W.I.M.E. |
Abigail |
Briggs |
W.I.M.E. |
Sarah |
Bright |
Manningtree, Essex |
1645 |
MH |
Dorothy |
Brooke |
Essex |
1645 |
MH |
Peter |
Burbush |
Ely, Cambs |
? |
W.I.M.E. |
Widow |
Bush |
Barton, Cambs |
W.I.M.E. |
Mary |
Bush |
Bacton, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Elisabeth |
Butcher |
Gt. Yarmouth, Norfolk |
1582 |
B. |
John |
Bysack |
Gt. Waldringfield, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Elisabeth |
Cambridge |
Cambs |
B. |
Henry |
Cane |
Rattlesden, Suffolk |
1645 |
W.I.M.E. |
Henry |
Carre |
Rattlesden, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Ann |
Cate/Maidenhead |
Holland, Essex |
1645 |
MH |
Mary |
Caves |
Cambs |
B. |
John |
Chambers |
Bramford, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Elisabeth |
Chandler |
Keyston, Hunts |
1646 |
MH |
Elisabeth |
Churcher |
Hunts |
1646 |
MH |
Rose |
Clamfield |
Glemham, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Rose |
Clarence |
Gt. Sampford, Essex |
1587 |
Court record |
Elisabeth |
Clarke |
Mistley, Essex |
1644 |
W.I.M.E. |
John |
Clarke |
Keyston, Cambs |
1646 |
MH |
Helen |
Clarke |
Manningtree, Essex |
1645 |
MH |
Thomas |
Clarke |
Glemham, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Alice |
Clippwell |
Gt. Yarmouth, Norfolk |
1645 |
B. |
Mary |
Clowes |
Yoxford, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Susan |
Cock |
St. Osyth, Essex |
1645 |
MH |
Susan |
Cocke |
St. Osyth, Essex |
? |
W.I.M.E. |
Priscilla |
Collit |
Dunwich, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Widow |
Coman |
Coggeshall, Essex |
1699 |
B. |
Joan |
Cony |
Barking/Dagenham, Essex |
1589 |
B. |
Mary |
Cook |
St Osyth/ Langham, Essex |
1645 |
MH |
Anne |
Cooper |
Gt. Clacton, Essex |
1645 |
MH |
Joan |
Cooper |
Much Holland, Essex |
1645 |
MH |
Mary |
Coppen |
Kirby, Essex |
1645 |
MH |
Anne |
Cricke |
Hitcham, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Ellen |
Crisp |
Sweffling, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Bet |
Cross |
Long Stanton, Cambs |
1890 |
RD |
Elisabeth |
Crowe |
Whissonsett, Norfolk |
1679 |
B |
Rose |
Cullender |
Lowestoft, Suffolk |
1664 |
RD |
Joan |
Cunny |
Chelmsford, Essex |
1589 |
RD |
Avice |
Cunny |
Chelmsford, Essex |
1589 |
RD |
Mary |
Dacon |
Playford, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Alice |
Denham |
Ipswich, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Ann |
Desborough |
Bythorn, Cambs |
1646 |
MH |
Ann |
Dewsburowe |
? |
? |
W.I.M.E. |
Susan |
Dexe |
Westhorpe, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Elisabeth |
Dickes |
Rattlesden, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Alice |
Dixon |
Wivenhoe, Essex |
1645 |
MH |
Ellen |
Driver |
Framlingham, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Elisabeth |
Dudgeon |
Gt. Yarmouth, Norfolk |
1645 |
B. |
Old |
Dummy |
Sible Hedingham, Essex |
1863 |
B. |
Amy |
Duny |
Lowestoft, Suffolk |
1664 |
RD |
Margaret |
Eccleston |
Linstead, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Mary |
Edwards |
? |
? |
W.I.M.E. |
Mary |
Edwards |
Framlingham, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Dorothy |
Ellis |
Ely, Cambs |
W.I.M.E. |
Dorothy |
Ellis |
Brentwood, Essex |
B. |
Ann |
Ellis |
Metingham, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Margaret |
Elnore |
Ipswich, Suffolk |
1694 |
B. |
Grandmother |
Elnore |
Ipswich, Suffolk |
1694 |
B. |
Aunt of M. |
Elnore |
Ipswich, Suffolk |
1694 |
B. |
James |
Emmerson |
Ipswich, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Mary |
Emmerson |
Ipswich, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
James |
Emmerson |
Ipswich, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Mary |
Emmerson |
Ipswich, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Mary |
English |
Whissonsett, Norfolk |
1679 |
B. |
Mary |
Everard |
Halesworth, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Thomas |
Everard |
Halesworth, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Mariana |
Everard |
Halesworth, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Joanna |
Farnaby |
Ely, Cambs |
1646 |
MH |
Nazareth |
Fasset |
Gt. Yarmouth, Norfolk |
1645 |
MH |
Jabez |
Few |
Willingham, Cambs |
1920 |
RD |
Elisabeth |
Fillet |
Wetherden, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Elisabeth |
Finch |
Wattisham, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Mary |
Findall |
Tatterford, Norfolk |
B. |
Richard |
Foreman |
Stowmarket, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Elisabeth |
Frances |
Hatfield Peverel Essex |
1565 |
B. |
Mary |
Fuller |
Stowmarket, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Elisabeth |
Gibson |
Thorpe-le-Soken, Essex |
1645 |
MH |
Alice |
Glamfield |
? |
1645 |
MH |
Mary |
Godard |
Belstead, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Elisabeth |
Gooding |
Mistley, Essex |
1644 |
B |
? |
Gortnoll/Cortnell |
Chattisham, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Mary |
Greeleife |
Alresford, Essex |
1645 |
MH |
Elisabeth |
Greene |
Wingfield, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Sybil |
Greene |
Wickham, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Ellen |
Greenliefe |
Bacton, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Margery |
Grewe |
Walton-in-Soken, Essex |
1645 |
MH |
Abre |
Grimset |
Dunwich, Suffolk |
1655 |
MH |
Grace |
Gunburgh |
Wetherden, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Elisabeth |
Gurrey |
Risely, Beds. |
W.I.M.E. |
Elisabeth |
Gynn |
Gt. Duntan, ? |
1675 |
B. |
Rose |
Hallybread |
St. Osyth, Essex |
1645 |
MH |
Anne |
Hammer |
Creeting, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Elisabeth |
Hare |
Essex |
1645 |
MH |
Elisabeth |
Harvie |
Ramsey, Essex |
1645 |
MH |
Sarah |
Hating |
Ramsey, Essex |
1645 |
MH |
Nicholas |
Hempstead |
Creeting, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Elisabeth |
Hobard |
W.I.M.E. |
Marian |
Hockett |
Ramsay, Essex |
1645 |
MH |
Marian |
Hockett |
Mistley, Essex |
1644 |
MH |
Mother |
Hovey |
Hadleigh Suffolk |
1644 |
B |
Bridgetta |
Howard |
Gt. Yarmouth, Norfolk |
1645 |
B. |
Elisabeth |
Hubarb |
Halesworth, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Elisabeth |
Hubbarb |
Stowmarket, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Katherine |
Jarvis |
Woodbridge, Suffolk |
B. |
Mary |
Johnson |
Wivenhoe, Essex |
1645 |
MH |
Rebecca |
Jones |
St Osyth, Essex |
1645 |
MH |
Margery |
Jourdemayn |
Eye, Suffolk |
c. 1422-71 |
FL |
William |
Keeble |
Stowmarket, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Ursula |
Kemp |
St. Osyth Essex |
1582 |
B |
Judith |
Kettle |
Flowton, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Mr |
King |
Acton, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Joan |
Lacey |
Gt. Yarmouth, Norfolk |
1645 |
MH |
Mary |
Lakeland |
Ipswich, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Margaret |
Landish |
St Osyth, Essex |
1645 |
MH |
Ann |
Leach |
Mistley, Essex |
1644 |
B |
Dorothy |
Lee |
Kings Lynn, Norfolk |
1646 |
MH |
Anne |
Leech |
1645 |
MH |
Margaret |
Legat |
Playford, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Mrs |
Lendall |
Cambridge, Cambs. |
1645 |
RD |
Mrs |
Lendall |
Gt. Shelford, Cambs |
1646 |
MH |
Elisabeth |
Lewis |
Gt. Waltham Essex |
B. |
Joan |
Lingwood |
Gt. Yarmouth, Norfolk |
1582 |
B. |
Elisabeth |
Linstead |
Gt. Yarmouth, Norfolk |
1645 |
B. |
Jane |
Linstead |
Halesworth, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Goody |
Low |
Stowmarket, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Rev. John |
Lowes |
Brandeston Suffolk |
1646 |
B |
Mrs Elisabeth |
Man |
Wickham, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Susan |
Manners |
Copdock, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Susan |
Marchant |
Hintlesham, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Alice |
Marsh |
Suffolk |
W.I.M.E. |
Mrs Alice |
Marsh |
Bramford, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Anne |
Marsh |
Tattingstone, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Bridget |
Mayors |
Holland on Sea, Essex |
1645 |
MH |
Mr |
Meggs |
Norwich, Norfolk |
1645 |
MH |
Mrs Faith |
Mills |
Fressingfield, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Good |
Mills |
Stowmarket, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Margaret |
Mixter |
Shotley, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Mrs Anne |
Moats |
1645 |
MH |
Margaret |
Moone |
Thorpe le Soken, Essex |
1645 |
MH |
Judith |
Moone |
Thorpe le Soken, Essex |
1645 |
MH |
Mrs |
Moore |
Stutton, Cambs |
1647 |
MH |
Frances |
Moore |
Little Catworth, Cambs |
1646 |
MH |
James |
More |
Halesworth, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Anne |
Morrice |
Upwell, Cambs |
W.I.M.E. |
Mrs Rebecca |
Morris |
Chattisham, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Mother |
Munnings |
Hartis, Suffolk |
1694 |
B. |
Alice |
Muntford |
Copdock, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Cunning |
Murrell |
Hadleigh Essex |
1860 |
RD |
Alice |
Newman |
St Osyth Essex |
B |
Old Mother |
Orvis |
Rattlesden, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Anne |
Palmer |
Framlingham, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Rose |
Parker |
Ipswich, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Mr |
Payne |
Bramford, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
George |
Pickingill |
Canewdon, Essex |
1909 |
Var. |
Thomas |
Pie |
Ely, Cambs |
1647 |
MH |
Joan |
Potter |
Hintlesham, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Mrs Margaret |
Powell |
Stowmarket, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Joan |
Prentice |
Barking/Dagenham, Essex |
1589 |
B. |
Frances |
Preston |
Gt. Sampford (?) Essex |
1589 |
Court record |
Joan |
Preston |
Gt. Sampford (?) Essex |
1589 |
Court record |
Mrs Rebecca |
Prick |
Belstead, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Mark |
Pryme |
Gt. Yarmouth, Norfolk |
1645 |
B. |
Anne |
Randall |
Lavenham, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Thomazine |
Ratcliffe |
Shelley, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Margaret |
Read |
Kings Lyn, Norfolk |
1590 |
RD |
Thomasina |
Reade |
Haddenham, Cambs |
1647 |
RD |
Mother |
Redcap |
Horseheath Cambs |
1926 |
RD |
Mrs Elizabeth |
Richmond |
Bramford, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Jane |
Rivett |
Copdock, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Joan |
Rowley |
Lee, Essex |
1645 |
MH |
Joane |
Ruce |
Polstead, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Adam |
Sabie |
Haddenham, Cambs |
1647 |
MH |
Alice |
Samuel |
Worboys, Cambs |
1589 |
B. |
John |
Scarfe |
Rattlesden, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Susan |
Scot |
Lavenham, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Mrs Mary |
Scrutton |
Framlingham, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Mary |
Sexton |
Ipswich, Suffolk |
? |
W.I.M.E. |
Mary |
Sexton |
Glemham, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Rachel |
Sexton |
Glemham, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Ellen |
Shepherd |
Molesworth, Cambs |
1646? |
MH |
Mary |
Skipper/ Shipper |
Copdock, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Ursula |
Skippon |
Whissonsett, Norfolk |
1679 |
B. |
Ellen |
Smith |
Chelmsford, Essex |
1579 |
RD |
Anne |
Smith |
Glemham, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Mary |
Smith |
Glemham, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Goody |
Smith |
Bramford, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Mrs Susanna |
Smith |
Rushmere, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Elizabeth |
Southerne |
Dunwich, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Mrs Margery |
Sparham |
Mendham, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Sarah |
Spindler |
Halesworth, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Mary |
Starlinge |
Langham, Essex |
1645 |
MH |
Isaac |
Stebbing |
Wickham Skeith, Suffolk |
1825 |
RD |
Susan |
Stetgold/ Stegold |
Hintlesham, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Old |
Stranguidge |
Cambridge, Cambs |
1645 |
RD |
Alexander |
Sussums |
Long Melford, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Grandma of |
Sussums |
Long Melford, Suffolk |
MH |
Mother of |
Sussums |
Long Melford, Suffolk |
MH |
Aunt of |
Sussums |
Long Melford, Suffolk |
MH |
Margery |
Sutton |
Ipswich, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Lydia |
Taylor |
Bramford, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Ann |
Thurston |
Holland on Sea, Essex |
1645 |
MH |
Katherine |
Tooley |
Westleton, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Joan |
Upney |
Barking/ Dagenham, Essex |
1589 |
B. |
Ann |
Usher |
Suffolk |
W.I.M.E. |
Anne |
Usher |
Framlingham, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Mary |
Verdy |
Gt. Yarmouth, Norfolk |
1645 |
MH |
Maria |
Vervy |
Gt. Yarmouth, Norfolk |
1645 |
B. |
Jane |
Wallis |
Keyston, Cambs |
1646? |
MH |
Dorothy |
Walters |
Clacton, Essex |
1645 |
MH |
Elisabeth |
Warne |
Framlingham, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Alice |
Warner |
Rushmere, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Sarah |
Warner |
1645 |
MH |
Elisabeth |
Watcham |
Bacton, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Agnes |
Waterhouse |
Hatfield Peverel Essex |
1565 |
B. |
Joan |
Waterhouse |
Hatfield Peverel Essex |
1566 |
RD |
Elisabeth |
Weed |
Catworth, Cambs. |
1644 |
W.I.M.E. |
Mrs |
Weight |
Essex |
1645 |
W.I.M.E. |
Susan |
Wente |
Langham, Essex |
1645 |
MH |
Ann |
West |
Mistley, Essex |
1644 |
W.I.M.E. |
Rebecca |
West |
Colchester, Essex |
1644 |
RD |
Anne |
West |
Lawford, Essex |
1645 |
MH |
Rebecca |
West |
Lawford, Essex |
1645 |
ncis |
Wildes |
Blaxhall, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Barbara |
Wilkinson |
Gt. Yarmouth, Norfolk |
1645 |
MH |
John |
Winnick |
Molesworth, Cambs |
1646? |
MH |
Old |
Winter |
Ipswich, Suffolk |
1744 |
RD |
Mrs Mary |
Winter |
Wickham, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Daddy |
Witch (female) |
Horseheath, Cambs |
1860 |
RD |
Margery |
With / Chinnery |
Framlingham, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Old Moulsham
Grace |
Wright |
Kings Lynn, Norfolk |
1646 |
MH |
Mrs Alice |
Wright |
Hitcham, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Mary |
Wyard |
W.I.M.E. |
Margaret |
Wyard |
Framlingham, Suffolk |
1645 |
MH |
Mary |
Wyles |
Gt. Clacton, Essex |
1645 |
MH |